Our Grout Recoloring Experts Made This Floor in Oakmont Look Stunning
December 28, 2024
For weeks, a homeowner in Oakmont had worried about the impression she left on guests since the floor in her entryway seemed to look duller by the day. Regular cleaners couldn't get the dirt off the surface until much of the grout was completely covered in grime, dust specs, and soap residue. This was particularly upsetting because the homeowner was fond of the floor's classic design and hadn't been able to fully appreciate its beauty for too long.
Since regular cleaners only seemed to worsen the problem, it wasn't hard to decide on the next step. The owner searched online, hoping to find a reliable grout recoloring service in Oakmont without too much hassle. Her plan went better than expected when Sir Grout Pittsburgh turned out to be the first company she came across. Our picture gallery left her thoroughly impressed, so she didn't see any reason to wait before contacting our techs via the website's online form.
They went to her house on the appointed date, and the client immediately recognized them by the uniform and company logo. They inspected the floor and quickly confirmed that there was no sealant on the grout before checking the surface for any structural damage. Soap-based cleaners can't do much to prevent the accumulation of dirt on unsealed grout because they create a foamy film that traps most of the dirt on the porous surface. That's why there were also traces of discoloring of the ceramic tiles.
The floor needed a complete cleaning and recoloring service since the stains were likely to reappear soon enough if the grout remained unsealed. Foot traffic was unavoidable in that part of the house, on top of the spills and scratches that could affect the tiles during the most active hours of the day. The client agreed with this assessment, so she immediately scheduled a new appointment to restore the floor that week.
Our specialists arrived at her house a few days later and immediately got to work. For the first step, they deep-cleaned the foyer floor with a surface-safe cleaner and removed all the embedded dirt with a high-speed scrubber.
The ceramic tile layout looked much more vibrant before they even started working on the grout. Then, they applied ColorSeal to recolor the grout per the homeowner's request, using a light beige sealant to blend in with the larger tiles. Our acrylic-based sealant provides all the protection you could ask for in high-traffic areas; it repels liquids, food residue, soil, mold, mildew, and more, so your weekly cleaning sessions pass more smoothly, and you can enjoy the result for much longer.
Our experts only needed to buff the floor one last time to complete the restoration, and they were ready to show the client the final result. She immediately praised the quality of our grout recoloring job and thanked our crew for bringing the floor back to its original appearance. She also promised to tell her friends and family about Sir Grout Pittsburgh.
At the end of the appointment, our experts shared some additional tips to help the client with her cleaning routine. Their first recommendation was to replace traditional cleaners with pH-neutral formulas, especially when dealing with high-traffic surfaces like the home entrance. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner provides all the benefits that make pH-neutral cleaners the superior option. Without exposing homeowners to toxic fumes, our cleaner removes the embedded dirt that usually gets stuck on porous surfaces. It works like a charm against mold, grime, grease, and other stains, so routine maintenance yields much better results. It also reduces the risks of discoloration and grout damage because the surface isn't subjected to harsh ingredients each time you clean the floor.
Our specialists also introduced a couple of steps to counter the effects of moisture buildup. A stuffy room is more likely to get moldy as the air grows stale, so we tell clients to open the windows and doors for a few hours daily. Another tip is wiping any leftover dampness with a towel, a mop, or a terry cloth. These tools can remove all the residue without scratching the tiles.
Let Sir Grout Pittsburgh gives your floors the care they deserve. Our techs are ready to assist homeowners and businesses in Oakmont with top-tier restoration services so you can enjoy the beauty of a pristine surface for a long time. Just call (412) 960-6310 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.